【同义词辨析】 2017-10-25 降格abase-humiliate

abase: suggests losing or voluntarily yielding up dignity or prestige: a fine stage actor who ~d himself by turning to television.   lose既可以表示失去,也可以表示减少降低,如减肥,这里表示降低尊严和声誉   又如politicians abasing themselves before wealthy businessmen政客在富豪面前主动降低身份,可见常和oneself联用

demean: suggests unsuitable behavior or association as the cause of loss of status: commercial endorsements ~ the Olympics.       表示贬损贬低,既可以表示贬损他人,如本例商业赞助贬损奥林匹克,又如some groups say that such images demean women一些团体认为这些形象贬低了女性(有损、贬损尊严); 也可以表示贬损自身,如I wasn't going to demean myself by acting like a suspicious wife我不会表现得像个疑神疑鬼的妻子一样自贬身价,如I wouldn't demean myself by asking for charity我决不低三下四地乞求施舍

debase: emphasizes loss of worth or quality: ~ a currency; and especially deterioration of moral standards: drunkenness has ~d the Mardi Gras.           Mardi Gras马蒂·格拉斯狂欢节,即嘉年华Carnival,嘉年华也称为马蒂·格拉斯狂欢节

degrade: suggests a downward step, sometimes in rank, more often in ethical stature, and typically implies a shameful or corrupt end: the public altercation ~d both candidates.

humble: frequently replaces degrade when the disgrace of a reduction in status is to be emphasized: they were delighted to see the bully ~d by a boy half his size.     disgrace蒙羞失去尊重      

humiliate: implies the severe wounding of one's pride and the causing of deep shame: ~d by his suggestive remarks.

abase降低(身份地位等): 表示降低放弃尊严声誉,demean贬损贬低: 由于不恰当的行为或联系而降低,debase贬值贬低: 强调降低价值道德标准,degrade降低: 降低人格或道德高度,humble使卑微: 和degrade相同,强调使人感到卑微,humiliate使羞辱: 严重伤自尊带来耻辱

记忆方法: 1) 6个首字母重新排序成HDHDDA好大好大的啊<==降格对人的影响很大    严重程度上看,humiliate > humble > degrade > debase > demean > abase,最后两个以h开头的词程度最重,中间三个以d开头的词也比较重,第一个abase只是降低或放弃尊严,甚至可以说屈尊,因此程度最轻        

          2) 降格的意思是降低身份尊严mean to lessen in dignity or status.